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Fall Is the Best Time to Redesign Your Fire Features: Tips from a Fireplace Designer in Seattle, WA

September 29, 2016 5:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s nothing like a good fire, outdoors or in! Fires are relaxing, provide warmth and fill the air with a wonderful smell. If you’ve been considering redesigning any of your fire features, including fireplaces, fire pits or natural outdoor stoves, fall is the best season in which to do it! Here are just a few of the reasons why you might consider redesigning your fire features during the fall months: The weather is right: The air is starting to get a little cooler, which means you’re about to be using your fire features more often than you had been during the summertime. While there are plenty of people who regularly use fire pits during the summer, it’s the fall months where fire pits get their most use, and where fireplaces begin to get their use as well. You’re going to want to have your redesign complete before you begin using these features regularly throughout the cooler fall and winter months! You’ll need maintenance anyway: It’s important to give your fireplaces and fire pits regular maintenance. For fireplaces especially, it’s likely been many months since you last used them. There might be a buildup of soot that you need to get... View Article

How to Light Your Pilot Light: Tips from a Fireplace Designer in Seattle, WA

September 15, 2016 5:50 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

While the majority of newer models of furnaces, boilers and other appliances have electric starters, there are still many older models of these appliances that require you to manually light the pilot light. This was once a commonplace task, but today, many people might not know exactly how to accomplish it. Here are some step-by-step instructions for how to light your pilot light, straight from an experienced fireplace designer in Seattle, WA: Make sure you’ve read your manual: This is good general advice for doing just about anything with any appliance, but it holds especially true here. Your model is likely to have lighting instructions, whether it’s in the manual itself or on a sticker next to the door. Make sure you read these directions closely, and follow them to the letter. If your device does not have instructions, continue to follow the directions below. Turn the gas control valve to “off”: Once the gas is off, check any gas appliances surrounding the valve for unlit pilot lights, and make sure to turn their valves off as well if the pilot lights are out. Wait about five to 10 minutes for the gas fumes to disperse before lighting. If you... View Article